Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Toys for tots?
this IKEA commercial never aired as it was pulled for being "obscene." while i shudder at the thought of my nieces or nephew finding my buzzy delights, the commercial itself was humorous and innocent.
why can we show dismembered bodies and gun violence but panic at the mere thought of sexual activity - solo or otherwise? if media depicted pleasures derived from magic bullets as much as they do pain inflicted by hollow point bullets, this would be a shiny, happier place.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I heart my Moon Cup

several years ago, i attended a conference and saw alternative menstrual products advertised. i was appalled at the thought of coming in contact with my period! why would anyone want to go near that smelly, dirty fluid?
fast forward to 2005 when my girlfriend re-introduced me to the Keeper. she said it was an amazing and affordable alternative to tampons and pads. she said it was simple to use and much safer than using tampons.
tampons contain two things that are potentially harmful: rayon (for absorbency) and dioxin (a chemical used in bleaching the products). Read more here
tampons are also BIG business. i just cannot support any product that perpetuates the dangerous myth that periods are shameful, dirty and embarrassing. they spend millions of dollars telling women that our genitals are dirty. one pantyliner brand even includes a "clean" wipe.
we are shedding blood not planting daisies - it ain't supposed to smell so fresh and so clean, clean!
i first purchased the original keeper which is made from latex. it took some getting used to. i wasn't sure i was inserting it correctly. it would leak a bit here and there during the first few uses. but it does not leak anymore than a tampon does and nothing that a little pantyliner can't remedy.
after several months of successful use, i noticed my skin began to get irritated each month. it seems i developed a latex allergy. so imagine my relief when i discovered the keeper newly offered a silicone version, called the Moon Cup. this is made from medical grade silicone and approved by the FDA.
the Moon Cup and Keeper are a healthy, safe option for the menstruating woman. don't let money-grubbing marketers fool you into thinking your period is dirty and disgusting. menstruation is part of being a woman. be smart about what your put in your body. and save some cash while you're at it!
To learn more or buy a Moon Cup or The Keeper, go to http://www.keeper.com/
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Abstinence Only Not Effective in Killing Teen Lust!

Report Underscores Need for Comprehensive Sex Ed
By Deb Price, Creators Syndicate
Posted on April 23, 2007, Printed on April 24, 2007
True or False?
Adolescents who've participated in school programs advocating sexual abstinence until marriage -- and teaching nothing about ways for sexually active people to avoid AIDS and unwanted pregnancies -- are less likely to have sex than other teenagers.
Well, after paying a whopping $1.5 billion for "abstinence only" programs, we taxpayers finally have a conclusive answer: False.
A congressionally mandated study that tracked 2,057 kids for several years -- until, on average, they were almost 17 years old -- found that most (51 percent) started having sex, regardless of whether they'd been taught "abstinence only."
"Youth in the (abstinence) program group were no more likely than control group youth to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having had sex, they had similar numbers of sexual partners," concludes the new report by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. (Find it by Googling "Impacts of Four Abstinence Education Programs.")
Just 49 percent of each teen group remained abstinent. Of those having sex, equal numbers always used a condom (just 23 percent). And the sexually active in both groups, on average, first had intercourse at 14.9 years old.
What else is true? Sexually active teens aren't doing nearly enough to protect themselves. Each year, one-quarter of them contracts a sexually transmitted disease. And about 800,000 teenage girls a year get pregnant.
What's also true is that although some adults like to believe in the no-sex-before-marriage fairy tale, the reality is that 95 percent of Americans eventually have unmarried sex, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which studies sexuality.
So, we adults are miserably failing our nation's children by allowing Uncle Sam to tell states that it won't help pay for sex education other than "abstinence only" courses that either don't mention condoms and other ways to make sex safer or mention them only to stress failure rates.
As U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, says, "We need to get real about sex education." She advocates a common-sense approach: Federal support for comprehensive, potentially lifesaving sex ed -- what she calls "abstinence plus."
She's introduced the Responsible Education About Life Act, which would give states money to educate kids about pregnancy prevention and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, not merely about just saying no to sex. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., has introduced the companion bill.
Lee points out, "We should absolutely be teaching young people about abstinence, but we shouldn't be holding back information that can save lives and prevent unwanted pregnancies."
Children tend to hit puberty around 13. By 15, most are having sex. So, we need to arm them early with accurate information.
Adults often think kids know everything about sex. It's not true. Mathematic found 28 percent in "abstinence only" programs either think birth control pills can at least sometimes prevent HIV or aren't sure. (They can't.) And 35 percent didn't know that condoms can prevent HIV.
Every year, nearly 20,000 young Americans, ages 13 to 24, contract HIV. A heartbreaking 73 percent are African-American.
In getting real about sex, the federal government should push states to recognize the needs of gay youth, who tragically are usually left out. The American Journal of Public Health reported in 2001 that gay adolescents take fewer risks if they receive "gay-sensitive" instruction about HIV.
It's time to scrap wasteful, ineffective abstinence-only programs. Let's replace them with comprehensive sex education that benefits all kids.
Deb Price of The Detroit News writes the first nationally syndicated column on gay issues.
Space Exploration Never Looked so Good

This is hands down one of the best toys out there. Simple, sleek, easy to use and sure to give you an out-of-this-world O.
Click on one of 5 numbers for different kinds of vibes. You can pick your favorite combo like 2, 4, then back to 3. OR you can stick with good ol' reliable #5 for that steady, jackhammer sensation.
My only frustration with this shiny delight is the packaging. Just who tha hell are they marketing to? Mostly, MOSTLY, women will be using this toy, right? So why the wannabe porn star on the cover? Do they think women want to channel this busty, fishnet princess during space exploration? Do you think women want to BE her? DO her? Really, the girl looks like she hasn't seen a good time in ages. What, with that nicely coiffed hair and stern gaze.
I want to tell those little men in marketing to do away with the T&A on the packaging. Really, it's what's inside that counts.
Want to buy one? Let me know.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Vacation Spot!

A £7m SEX THEME PARK, which has no rides, is to open in London's West
End later this year.
Visitors to Amora - The Academy of Sex and Relationships at the
Trocadero in Piccadilly, will pass through seven zones including
Pleasure and Orgasm.
The 10,500sq-ft exhibit is designed to "separate fact from myth and
educate everyone into being better lovers".
You have to be aged 18 and over to get in and tickets will cost £15
for the attraction which opens on 7 September.
Organisers expect to attract more than 600,000 visitors within the
first year.
The more sex we have the more we want and the less sex we have the
more we want
Academy director Dr Sarah Brewer
The theme park will include life-sized silicone-made models which
visitors can touch to discover erogenous zones.
People will also be able to build their ideal partner from a series of
body parts and there will be instructions on how best to kiss and how
to talk more sexily.
The seven zones will start with attraction, love and relationships and
include a sexual well-being zone which looks at the dangers of unsafe sex.
The academy's director of exhibits Dr Sarah Brewer said: "The more sex
we have the more we want and the less sex we have the more we want.
"This academy does push boundaries back and whatever your prowess when
you come in we will give you all the information you need to become a
fantastic lover."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Ginsberg Stands for Us All

“Some of us as individuals find abortion offensive to our most basic principles of morality, but that cannot control our decision. Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code.”
The Supreme Court's decision is not a strike against the pro-choice movement, it is not a strike against child-bearing women. It is a strike against humanity. The struggle to defend reproductive rights is a human rights issue. It's about being just, not being right.
One giant leap (backwards) for us all.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Let's Talk about Sex conference!

i am beside myself. i will be conducting a workshop called "The Ins and Outs of Masturbation in Girlhood" at the upcoming SisterSong Conference in Chicago!
tell everyone you know to come on over.
Click here to find out more
Friday, April 13, 2007
You GO Soulforce!

Wherever you are on your journey of faith,
Whatever your sexual orientation or gender identity,
Whatever your religion, race, age, ability, color, or creed,
You are welcome to join us in learning, teaching, and applying
the 'soul force' principles of relentless nonviolent resistance
as taught by Gandhi and King
as we work together to stop spiritual violence
against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people
that flows out of the teachings and actions
of religious leaders and their communities of faith.
-The People of Soulforce
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Woman Power

If I see one more magazine article telling women 100 new ways to please your man I might just barf. “Elicia, consider the source,” as I flip through the latest issue of Cosmo. The magazine is deigned for the everyday, average, heterosexual (thin, rich, white) woman. Of course the messages are going to feed into that world.
But – does it have to be SO MUCH? Does heterosexism, consumerism, male-centered sexuality need to be everywhere I look?! I turn on the television and see ads telling women we are getting old and better put ice packs on our face lest we lose our sex appeal. I flip through magazines and read articles teaching women how to spice up their sex life with their men. What?!?! Since when is it that women need any help in that department? Have we not been giving men orgasms 100% of the time??! Meanwhile women are still wondering if we are orgasmic. And we need the tips on pleasing men?!
And another thing. Males and females do not have different brains! Quit trying to brainwash everyone into thinking that women are emotional and men are logical. Do not encourage women to “be less emotional” and “use shorter sentences” if we want to get our man’s attention. This is not the stone age. Women and men have been effectively communicating as people for years. What keeps women and men from communicating more successfully is all the B.S. about us not being able to communicate because we are on different planets. It’s Earth, people. And it’s not that hard.
Women don’t need new tricks in the bedroom. We need to tell ourselves we are hot, sexy, smart and worthy on a daily basis. We don’t need ice in the bedroom – we need to tell our partners (not just males) how to please us. That being said, we need to know what pleases us! We need to spend less time worrying about how to please a man and many, many, many more hours of self-exploration learning what pleases us. We need to stop worrying that we cannot achieve a G-spot orgasm. We need to stop comparing ourselves to every other woman on this earth who appears to have it better than we do. Lindsey Lohan is probably not having orgasms either! And she seems to be doing just fine! We need to use our brains and not digest all the chocolate being forced down our throat with books about women with low libidos. We are horny too!
I long for the day when a woman will know what she wants. Is confident enough to ask for it. Smart enough to teach someone. Sexy enough to display her back fat, hairy legs, crows’ feet proudly. I am woman, dammit. Hear me rrrrroar!
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