several years ago, i attended a conference and saw alternative menstrual products advertised. i was appalled at the thought of coming in contact with my period! why would anyone want to go near that smelly, dirty fluid?
fast forward to 2005 when my girlfriend re-introduced me to the Keeper. she said it was an amazing and affordable alternative to tampons and pads. she said it was simple to use and much safer than using tampons.
tampons contain two things that are potentially harmful: rayon (for absorbency) and dioxin (a chemical used in bleaching the products). Read more here
tampons are also BIG business. i just cannot support any product that perpetuates the dangerous myth that periods are shameful, dirty and embarrassing. they spend millions of dollars telling women that our genitals are dirty. one pantyliner brand even includes a "clean" wipe.
we are shedding blood not planting daisies - it ain't supposed to smell so fresh and so clean, clean!
i first purchased the original keeper which is made from latex. it took some getting used to. i wasn't sure i was inserting it correctly. it would leak a bit here and there during the first few uses. but it does not leak anymore than a tampon does and nothing that a little pantyliner can't remedy.
after several months of successful use, i noticed my skin began to get irritated each month. it seems i developed a latex allergy. so imagine my relief when i discovered the keeper newly offered a silicone version, called the Moon Cup. this is made from medical grade silicone and approved by the FDA.
the Moon Cup and Keeper are a healthy, safe option for the menstruating woman. don't let money-grubbing marketers fool you into thinking your period is dirty and disgusting. menstruation is part of being a woman. be smart about what your put in your body. and save some cash while you're at it!
To learn more or buy a Moon Cup or The Keeper, go to http://www.keeper.com/
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