i was blown away. and totally geeked out when i saw joycelyn walk into the hotel. why was she walking alone? shouldn't she have an entourage? doesn't she know who she is?
i went up to her and said (in total geek fashion), are you joycelyn elders? lord. she said yes. my eyes lit up and i mustered the phrase "hold on, i have something for you." so i ran over to my bag and pulled out my little gift. a gift i created just for her.
you see, i created Masturbation FUNdies with pro-female, pro-masturbation messages on them. (that will be my next post, no worries.) i made joycelyn her very own pair. on them, a picture of her with the phrase "give a hand to joycelyn." i hope she loves them and didn't think i'm some crazy perv. wait, i proudly claim that title. well - i hope she thought they were neat.
when i handed her the FUNdies, i told her what an inspiration she is to me. i told her she influenced my decision to go into this field. i told her thank you.
and then i heard her speak. goosebumps i tell you. here was this woman. this strong, older, conservatively dressed doctor preaching from her pulpit about sex. she begged us to celebrate the notion that sex isn't just about making babies - it's about PLEASURE, people! she reminded us that she was FIRED by a president who got his dick sucked in the oval office! she challenged us to push forward the mission of teaching children about masturbation. "you know you're doing it with someone you love," she exclaimed about this still-taboo practice.
so let's give a hand to joycelyn. let's spread the word about the bennies of masturbation. boys do it. girls do it. babies do it. doctors, like joycelyn elders, do it! you can do it too.
awww feefers...congrats on your opportunity to meet your hero!! Keep up the good work.
geez! The stars were shining high on you that day! I am glad that you got to meet your shero! Call me and tell about it! Frame the picture of the two of you and keep it close by! Love Mel
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