how pleased was i to turn on lynn doyle and see a show on the sex lives of women over 50. two female authors talked about the misconceptions our society has about women losing their sex drive as they age. women are not supposed to admit to liking, wanting, or craving sex. women are taught that sex is something we do to please others. the authors explained that women are sexual into their 50s and beyond. one author offered a great tip. she said if a woman has passion in her life, not related to sexuality, that passion will extend into her sex life as well. having passion in one's life is critical. a woman must have passion for self. she must seek out to participate in activities that feed her soul. she must stay true to herself as a woman first. a woman with passion in her life will have a fantasy fucking life. literally.
it gives me hope that we are beginning to see the importance sexuality plays in our lives. now if we can only stop calling women who love sex sluts, we'll be just fine.
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