Friday, October 3, 2008
now that's what i call family values
MTV has done it again with a whole new take on "reality tv." sex with mom and dad is sure to shake things up a bit - perhaps even to the point of nausea. i'm not sure how i feel about this concept of parents and their children exchanging sex stories under the careful watch of beloved dr. drew. on the one hand, open lines of communication facilitate understanding of and appreciation for sexuality. parents are potentially the best educators for their children about the complex topic. children and parents talking openly about sexuality demystifies the often taboo subject and can normalize a child's experience. sex is natural. sex can be healthy. sex can be pleasurable. sex makes the world go round.
unless the sex involves your parents, right?
i mean, don't get me wrong. i love the idea that my parents have hot sex. they are youthful and attractive and should be getting it on. BUT that doesn't mean i want to talk face to face with them about their desires. and lord knows i don't want them to know what a pervert i am. (even if they are already suspicious.) and i'm grown! i can't imagine having these talks as a teenager. what teen wants to ask her mother's adivce on giving blow jobs? worse yet - what teen wants to give her mother such tips!
i can't wait to see to the show. maybe i'll even ask my parents to watch. maybe.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
i used to hate barbie. now she's my hero
the other day i was talking with a male, i'll call him "mike," who was outraged about the new barbie. he asked if i knew about the new doll, making her debut next month. typically conversations about barbie bore me. i could give two shits about the supposed ideal role-model for young girls, this woman who has it all. i care only because she does not represent me or many other women. if barbie were a real person, she would be 6' 0", weigh 100 lbs., and wear a size 4. Her measurements would be 39"/19"/33!"
but i was intrigued for "mike" to continue when i sensed how disgusted he was about barbie's new appearance. this ain't your mama's barbie. "black canary barbie" is based on the DC comic superhero and struts her stuff in black fishnets, patent leather stiletto boots, patent leather jacket, and bad-ass motorcycle gloves. move over angelina! while i considered this a celebration of women's sexuality, "mike" commented on the immorality and corruption of innocent girls - "fishnets," he said, "are for whores and send the wrong message to little girls." fishnets can be pretty powerful if worn on the right set of gams, i'll give him that. corrupt though, really?
women's sexuality has been demonized (think eve), pathologized (think madonna), and medicalized (think viagra for women). women are blamed for expressing our sexuality yet expected to be sexy for the male onlookers. we can encourage young girls to be mothers and housewives but frown upon any effort that encourages females to explore and express their sexuality.
i believe "mike" was possibly upset about s&m barbie because he knows that males love to ogle a fishnet-clad woman. males' sexual desires and behaviors are often encouraged or downplayed as in the "boys will be boys" mentality. i'll bet no one called the two little peeping toms in this commercial immoral or corrupt:
this double standard is as pitiful as all those laundry detergent commercials showing only women doing the work. calgon take me away.
we have to stop censoring women's sexuality when it is convenient. we can't preach against barbie wearing fishnets while condoning the swimsuit competition in the miss america pageant (or the pageant at all for that matter). or perhaps a bikini is less deviant than fishnets and patent leather. maybe black canary barbie is too kinky for a country accepting only of the sweet (read: safe) girl-next-door?
but can't we be both?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
a shout out to passional's positive sex gurus

i've been gone for a minute but i'm back with the jump-off.
i want to take this time to recognize the lovely and positive sex gurus at passional boutique in philly. i have lived in philly for 4 years now but only recently visited the store. i was so thrilled when i encountered such an educated, energetic and progressive staff. i want to be a part of that and encourage people to explore their sexuality and utilize that creativity that is so often ignored. passional is an inspiration and makes me proud to be not only in the sex ed industry, but to be a sexual creature as well! sex is not what we do but who we are. live it, love it, fuck it.
Check it out: Passional
Friday, March 14, 2008
i heard that too
so a governor pays 3 grand to get his dick sucked and is forced to resign. meanwhile this hate-monger spouts inflammatory, nauseating jabber and remains in office?
shame shame
Sunday, February 24, 2008
about to get medieval on your ass

a UK official has recently proposed forced sterilization on teenage girls. Forced Sterlization
where do i begin?
1) FORCE? i think it's wrong to force a 4-year-old to eat peas let alone forcing a 14-year-old to undergo a procedure that could have lasting effects.
2) sterilization does not protect a girl (or person she is having sex with) from contracting a sexually transmitted infection or HIV. an unwanted child absolutely impacts a person's life, but i'd argue that contracting HIV is potentially more life-altering.
3) it sends the message that a teenager is not in charge of her own body - it belongs to her parents. it is important for a female to remain connected to her body so that she maintains self-worth, confidence and control.
4) why must females remain the gatekeepers of safer sex? the sterilization procedure for males is far less intrusive and, at least, places the onus on males.
5) it reinforces the idea that "sex" equals a penis entering a vagina. other sexual practices are potentially risky as well but a heterosexual teen couple might believe they are safe if the female has been sterilized.
6) although incredibly difficult and not particularly a wise choice, a teenager has the right to have a child if s/he chooses. my belief is that education and honest communication - NOT draconian methods, are the best methods for preventing unintended teen pregnancy .
7) choice choice choice. a teenager should have the right to make decisions about her own body. period.
so - what do you think??
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