Sunday, February 24, 2008

about to get medieval on your ass

a UK official has recently proposed forced sterilization on teenage girls. Forced Sterlization

where do i begin?

1) FORCE? i think it's wrong to force a 4-year-old to eat peas let alone forcing a 14-year-old to undergo a procedure that could have lasting effects.

2) sterilization does not protect a girl (or person she is having sex with) from contracting a sexually transmitted infection or HIV. an unwanted child absolutely impacts a person's life, but i'd argue that contracting HIV is potentially more life-altering.

3) it sends the message that a teenager is not in charge of her own body - it belongs to her parents. it is important for a female to remain connected to her body so that she maintains self-worth, confidence and control.

4) why must females remain the gatekeepers of safer sex? the sterilization procedure for males is far less intrusive and, at least, places the onus on males.

5) it reinforces the idea that "sex" equals a penis entering a vagina. other sexual practices are potentially risky as well but a heterosexual teen couple might believe they are safe if the female has been sterilized.

6) although incredibly difficult and not particularly a wise choice, a teenager has the right to have a child if s/he chooses. my belief is that education and honest communication - NOT draconian methods, are the best methods for preventing unintended teen pregnancy .

7) choice choice choice. a teenager should have the right to make decisions about her own body. period.

so - what do you think??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As horrible as this sounds...I think there should be forced sterilization in certain situations. Not for teenagers, but for grown women who continue to have children, even though, the ones she already has are in the "system." I knew a woman who had 13-15 children all of which were in foster care. She started having them in the South and moved her way up the east coast. She would have 2-3 children in one place, they all would get put into foster care, then she would start over again in another state. Am I terrible?