i recently read the creative and unique book called Post Secret. if you haven't checked it out, i recommend it. "PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard."
so i thought - why not ask people to anonymously submit their secrets about their sexuality! the secret can pertain to anything relating to your sexuality including confusion about sexual orientation, most embarrassing sex moment, favorite sexual position, hottest turn-ons, turn-offs, you get the point. the secret should be one that you have not revealed to anyone. it can be funny, sad, perverted, vanilla, witty, dry, whatever. just be honest, that's all i ask.
if you are up to it, all you have to do is:
1) click on "0 comments" (the 0 might show up as 1, 2, 3, etc depending on # of comments posted). it's down there in the lower right hand side of this post.
2) leave your secret anonymously
once i receive comments, i will list them on the blog for other readers to see.
oh, and one more thing. i am trying to see just how many secrets i can collect. so please, share this blog post with others!
happy writing,
I can have an orgasm by havving my nipples pulled/stretched while simultaneosuly having my neck kissed/licked. Incredible sensation.
My secret- I'm an ethical slut. Polyamorous. I practice ethical non-monogomy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ethical_Slut
I get really turned on by having my boyfriend get on top of me with his ass facing a mirror so that I can see his balls jiggle around while he's fucking me
I identify as straight and my fantasies often feature men & women together, however, I tend to be more turned on by the women in the fantasy than the men.
i'm a guy and i get really turned on by watching other guys piss and shave their face. it makes me want to do piss play, but i'm really nervous, and that is part of what makes it hotter. in college i was washing my face and this guy was at the sink next to me shaving, it was so hot.
Ive always wanted to pose for some smutty magazine and then FUCK the hell out the photographer!!!
is it bad that i have no "sexual secrets" because i love talking about what i do sexually with others?
is it bad that i have no "sexual secrets" because i love talking about what i do sexually with others?
i think i'm afraid of having an orgasm
i'm never ever thinking about the person i'm fucking when i come, always someone else.
my girlfriend pulled a knife out of the drawer next to her bed and held it to my throat. I had never had anyone do anything even remotely violent during sex. I loved it. I came within minutes.
i cannot wait to get inside the ass of the boy i'm fucking. i *love* introducing people to something majorly new in their sex life.
i like knives touching my skin and even my clit. i sometimes masterbate with knives as a special treat.
i love the smell, texture, and taste of blood. i like getting it all over me and my partner when i'm naked and having sex.
having my entire hand inside a woman is like seeing god.
I have elaborate rape fantasies. they change from time to time when I get bored with them. But one of them involved getting pregnant via rape.
i fantasize about fucking people who are on the subway with me and then killing them. sometimes the order is reversed.
i fucked my bicycle handlebars. it took a little balance, but i still came all over the place :)
I think I might be polyamorous but my partner doesn't believe in it. Almost once a week I just want to grab someone passionately kiss them for 5 minutes, and then walk away.
I think I might be polyamorous but my partner doesn't believe in it. Almost once a week I just want to grab someone passionately kiss them for 5 minutes, and then walk away.
I want to fuck 1/2 of my friends, girls and boys
i'm a guy and i want to have sex with amy winehouse.
I lied about my first time being a rape because I was not strong enough to tell the other person that I was not ready to have sex. I was a coward and opted for the easy way out. I suck.
i want to get paid for sex...at least once and work part time as a phone sex operator
At the end of every sexual encounter, I stand up on the bed and yell, The Aristocrats!
my first and only one-night stand with a woman was transcendent. she wept.
I have only been able to have an orgasm with mechanical assistance, never by my or another's hand.
Recently, out of boredom, I was trolling the internet for some erotica/pornography, and came across a photo set of a gorgeous Brazilian woman ... blondish hair, honey-colored skin, bikini tan lines, lovely breasts and hips, lips and cheekbones like Raquel Welsh. The photo set consisted of maybe twenty pictures, and in the last five or so, the model pulled aside her swimsuit bottom to reveal a handsome, partially erect penis. It must have been tucked back, as it really wasn't evident in the first several photos. I identify as a straight male, and currently I can't think of anyone I would admit this to directly, but inside I feel pretty much no revulsion in acknowledging that, given the opportunity, I would probably like to tongue kiss her mouth, caress her breasts, squeeze her ass, and suck on her dick.
i once was banging a girl (yeah i said banging) and all of the sudden she pushed me off and ran too the bathroom. i was like wtf did i do something wrong? When she came back and was she told me she had to take a shit. i laughed so hard that i couldn't finish because i fucked the shit out of her!
I love being bound during sex. Bound tightly, leaving marks on my wrists and ankles. I want to be strung up on my tip toes and have my partner tease me to the edge of orgasm. I want my partner, with the beautiful cock and shaved balls, to force himself into every orifice of my body while I am helpless. The whole time I know I am not helpless, I actually have all the power because he is doing what I want. He is getting off because he is pleasing me. I am in control and I choose to give it up. I have pussy power.
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